Parents can take the fun out of hockey by continually yelling or screaming from the stands. Parents should enjoy the game and applaud good plays. The stands are not a place from which parents should try to personally coach their kids. Kids often mirror the actions of their parents; if they see mom or dad losing their cool in the stands, they’ll probably do the same on the ice.

Car and Home

Some parents not only spoil the fun for their kids at the ice rink, but also in the car, believing this the perfect place for instruction. Parents should try to keep things in perspective. There’s more to life than hockey, and the car and home are not places to coach. Parents are responsible for supporting
and respecting the coach’s decisions and abilities.

It is unfair to put children in a position of having to decide who to listen to — their parents or the coach.

At Practice

Parents should remember that if a child wants to improve, they have to practice — not just play. Even if a child is not the “star” player for a team, practice stresses the importance of teamwork, establishing goals, discipline and learning to control your emotions, all of which are important lessons children can use both in and away from sports.

At the Rink

Hockey parents can help create a fun environment by making certain their children are wearing properly fitted equipment. Parents also need to stress
fair play and risk management to help eliminate injuries.

Support Your Child

There are many benefits that are derived from playing minor hockey. Boys and girls learn good sportsmanship and self-discipline. They learn to work together, how to sacrifice for the good of the team, how to enjoy winning and how to handle defeat. In the process, they also learn important lessons about physical fitness and personal health.

The degree to which your child benefits from his or her minor hockey experience is as much your responsibility as it is theirs. In order for your child to get the most out of a minor hockey program, is important for you to show support and offer encouragement while maintaining a genuine interest in the team.

Always Be Positive
Parents serve as role models for their children, who often look to adults for advice, direction and approval. Never lose sight of the fact that you are a role model, and strive to be a positive role model.

As a parent, one of the most important things you can do is show good sportsmanship at times to coaches, referees, opponents and teammates.

Remember that your children are PLAYING hockey. It is important to allow them to establish their own goals and play the game for themselves. Be
careful not to impose your own standards or objectives.

Let The Coach Coach

Avoid placing an exaggerated emphasis on winning. The most important aspect of your child’s minor hockey experience is for them to develop, while developing skills that will serve them in game situations.

Also a risk-free environment that emphasizes the importance of fair play, sportsmanship, discipline, respect and most importantly, fun will be invaluable for your child as he or she continues to develop and make friends.

Positive Reinforcement

The best way to help children achieve goals and reduce their natural fear of failure is through positive reinforcement. After all, no one likes to make mistakes.

If your child does make a mistake — and they will ( remember, they’re just kids) — keep in mind that mistakes are an important part of the overall learning process. Strive to be supportive and point out the things they do well. Make your child feel like a winner.


The coaches of the Avalanche Minor Sports (the “Corporation”) have the right and responsibility to maintain team and player discipline.

Disciplinary action may be taken by a coach to enforce appropriate conduct including compliance with the Corporation policies and rules, compliance with the team rules and organizational rules for players and parents are mandatory throughout the year.

The team rules as set by the coaching staff of a team. & disciplinary consequences are in the coaches’ reasonable discretion, and may include sitting
a player out for portions of a practice or a game or suspension from play depending on the severity of the offense.

The Organizational Discipline Board will stand behind its coaches in enforcing appropriate discipline. Coaches of the Avalanche Minor Sports should be aware that they are in a leadership position and are models for the players they coach. Abuse of this leadership role will not be tolerated by the Corporation.

It is the mandate of Avalanche Minor Sports to provide a challenging hockey program for your kids from the individual team programs. Teams will be monitored throughout the year to make sure compliance is met with the organization policies from the “club operational manual”.

Please make sure you are aware of team rules and organizational rules “its your responsibility to be informed.

Inappropriate conduct by parents that may call for disciplinary action includes the breach of the TEAM AND ORGANIZATION policies and rules.
Examples of inappropriate conduct include abusive language or conduct towards players, other parents, coaches or referees and executives with the organization.

In the event disciplinary action is warranted in respect of a parent, the following procedure will apply:

  1. The parent will first be warned by the coach or organization that their behavior in question is inappropriate and will not be tolerated.
  2. If the warning is unsuccessful in changing the behavior of the parent, the parent will be required to enter into a contract with the team and organization that sets standards of behavior with defined consequences in the case of a breach. This will be mutually agreed upon all parties involved, the parent , the coach and the organization.
  3. If the parent fails or refuses to enter into a contract presented by the coaching staff and organization, the Board may in its discretion, suspend the parent’s child or children from further involvement with the team until problem is resolved. The parent has the right to contact the GTHL. The parent has the right to contact the GTHL.
  4. If the parent enters into a contract with the organization and subsequently breaches the terms of the contract, the Board may, in its discretion, suspend the parent’s child or children from further involvement with the team.

Note : Zero Tolerance Policy
Zero Tolerance Policy : asks parents, spectators, players, coaches and officials to abide by a “Zero Tolerance Policy “toward un-sportsman-like conduct, obscene or vulgar language or demonstrating dissatisfaction with an official’s decision during games. Parents found to disrupt the coaching staff from doing their duties during games and practices.

A player persists, during the year in continually being assessed game misconduct can be addressed by the coaching staff or organization.

Spectators who are disruptive, using obscene or vulgar language, taunting players, coaches or officials, or throwing objects on the ice will be asked to leave the viewing area. Play may not resume until the violator has removed himself and disciplinary actions will follow with a hearing.

Guilty person if with the organization as a member will be contacted to appear in front of the disciplinary board.

Spectators Code of Conduct
· Display good sportsmanship.
. Respect players, coaches and officials.
· Do not taunt or disturb other fans, do not use
· Cheer good plays of all participants, avoid booing.
· Support referees and coaches by trusting their
integrity and judgment.
· Be supportive win or lose, praise effort, teamwork
and sportsmanship.

Parents Code of Conduct

· Support your child’s desire to play hockey,
but don’t force him or her.
· Encourage fair play and good character.
· Do not yell at players, coaches or officials. Stay
· Emphasize skill development and the importance of
· Learn the rules of the game and show respect for
game officials.
· Never yell or abuse your child after a game.
Applaud good effort win or lose.
· Communicate with and support your child’s coach.
He is volunteering a great deal of time and effort to
develop your child.

Players Code of Conduct

· Play hockey , don’t be disruptive
· Work hard in practice and in games, listen to the
coaching staff.
· Be a team player-do not criticize your teammates.
You might make the next mistake.
· Learn self-discipline, good sportsmanship and
teamwork. If you lose your cool, your team may
lose the game.
· Be responsible. Be on time to practices and games
as informed with the team rules.
· Learn the rules and play by them. Your reputation is
the most important thing you possess. Respect your
coach, teammates,
opponents and officials.
· Respect your parents.
· Never argue with the decision of the official.
· Do not taunt the other teams or their fans.

Respect The Game

Hockey Canada asks you to consider your role in showing “Respect” for the game, and for the people who make this the great game it is. How much do you RESPECT the game of hockey and all its participants? Take this simple test to see how you rate.

Check off the statements that apply to you.
· The safety of the participants in the game is more
important than the final score.
· I value the contribution from the coaches in
developing the players talents, even though I may
not always agree with their methods.
· I understand that officials do not make the hockey
rules, they only apply them.
· I understand that children learn from adults, and my
behavior reflects what I want children to learn.
· I understand that officials are responsible to ensure
that the game is played in a safe and fair manner
for all participants.
· I understand that players, coaches and officials are
learning the game, and mistakes will be made in the learning process.
· I may not cheer for the opposition team, but I will
also not cheer against them or verbally abuse them.
. I will respect the Rules as set for a reason.


Players/Parents are expected to:

  • comply and obey all reasonable directions of the coach, manager, and team officials, regarding team rules and ORGANIZATIONAL RULES
  • ask questions if not sure and get an explanation.
  • comply with all organization and GTHL/OHF & CHA rules.
  • demonstrate a positive attitude to the game, practice and learning in general;
  • arrive for games, practice and other team functions at the time specified by the team;
  • have all equipment maintained in good repair and ready for use prior to games and practice;
  • advise the coach and/or manager if unable to attend a game or practice due to illness, injury or other commitments well in advance of the team games or practices.;
  • demonstrate respect for the game officials, team mates and opposing players and officials by refraining from profane, verbal, physical or other abuse (including physical gestures) at all times;
  • maintain dressing rooms in a clean and orderly fashion. Vandalism of any sort is expressly prohibited; team will be charged for damages.
  • strictly refrain from the use of alcohol, tobacco or other banned or illegal substances, while participating in a team activity;
  • recognize that parents should control the conduct of his./her child. Be aware of the rules.
  • road trips are, therefore, a fully functioning team activity and behavior in hotels, restaurants and other arenas is to be consistent with these expectations.
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